Weatherford Paternity Attorney

Parker County Paternity Lawyer Serving Weatherford, TX
Whether you are a mother or a father, there is something to be gained by legally establishing the paternity of your child. For mothers, establishing paternity is the first step towards seeking support in raising the child as well as a structured visitation schedule. For fathers, it is the first step towards asserting parental rights. There are also enormous benefits of having a legal father for the child. In most cases, it is in the child's best interest to enjoy a relationship with both parents in addition to financial support.
The Law Offices of Kary L. Key knows that fathers are important. There are several different ways that a man can be declared a child's legal father. Our lawyer will find the method that is right for your individual situation. Even if your child's other parent is uncooperative, in most cases we can help you establish paternity over their objections. Our team is committed to protecting fathers, mothers, and children alike by establishing the child's paternity.
Azle Lawyer for All Paths to Establishing Paternity
Texas offers multiple ways to establish that a man is the father of a child. If he is married to the child's mother when the child is born, paternity is automatically established. The husband signs his name on the child's birth certificate as soon as the child is born, and nothing more needs to be done.
However, if you have doubts about the paternity of a child born into your marriage, we can guide you through the process of disputing paternity, which typically involves a court-ordered DNA test. Either the husband or the wife can dispute paternity.
If the parents are not married, but are in agreement about who the father is, an Acknowledgement of Paternity can be used. This form can be signed at the hospital when the child is born, or it can sent at a later date to the Vital Statistics Unit. The father's name can then be added to the birth certificate. Generally speaking, this is the easiest way for unmarried parents to establish paternity. However, this method does require voluntary participation from both parents.
If your child's other parent is not willing to voluntarily establish paternity, The Law Offices of Kary L. Key can help you do so involuntarily through court proceedings. Our first step will be to file a "Petition to Adjudicate Parentage." There are three possible results.
The first is that the father does not appear after reasonable notice and will be declared the legal father in a default order. The second is that the mother and father both appear and agree, in which case he will be declared the legal father. However, if either party disputes paternity or is uncertain, the court will order a DNA test, the results of which will determine whether the man will be named as the child's legal parent. Both parents have the right to be represented by their own attorney during these proceedings.
Benefits of Establishing Paternity in Texas
The child may have the most to gain from establishing paternity, although there are benefits for everyone involved. Having an established legal father also adds a layer of protection for the child should something happen to one parent. The child can then inherit from either, and there will be a second parent the child already has a bond with in the picture.
The child can begin receiving child support payments from the father, which is likely to help the mother as well. The father can begin spending time with his child or even seek shared custody - and the child can benefit from their father's love and guidance.
Call a Tarrant County Paternity Attorney
If you are interested in establishing or disputing the paternity of your child, The Law Offices of Kary L. Key can help. We proudly represent both mothers and fathers in paternity cases. Contact us online or call 817-599-6969 to arrange a confidential consultation.