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What To Do If You Cannot Afford a Divorce in Texas

 Posted on December 19, 2023 in Divorce

Parker County divorce lawyerdivorce is expensive in more ways than one. You have the hit to your bank account on one hand and the emotional stress toll on the other. However, you are dead set on going through with it. So what can you do when you are too poor to afford to divorce your spouse? There are ways around the costs in Texas, but they will not be a walk in the park. For anyone seeking a divorce or answers to questions involving family law, hiring an experienced attorney can help.

How To Divorce Without Any Money

Finances can keep many couples locked into unhappy marriages, especially those who live paycheck to paycheck and do not have the budget for a divorce. So what are your options? Court fees for a divorce can be waived in Texas if you are willing to follow a set procedure. There are a few steps to this process, which involve:

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When Should I File for a Protective Order?

 Posted on November 20, 2023 in Family Law

Parker County Family LawyerWhenever you feel as though your life or your children’s life is in danger from a current spouse or former romantic partner, a protective order can help. Survivors of sexual assault or stalking can also benefit from filing a restraining order against the perpetrator. If you need help with filing for a protective order, seek the counsel of a trained and experienced family law attorney.

What Is An Order of Protection?

A legal court order prohibiting a person from interacting with the petitioner in specified activities. The person who files for the order is known as the plaintiff, whereas the prohibited individual is referred to as the defendant.

What Types of Protective Orders Are Available in Texas?

Texas has three types of protective orders for family violence:

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Same-Sex Common Law Marriage and Divorce

 Posted on October 18, 2023 in Divorce

Parker County divorce lawyerSame-sex marriage has been legal for almost a decade now in Texas. Sometimes, same-sex couples can cohabitate for so long that they may already consider themselves married without the glitz and glam of a wedding ceremony. In this case, Texas also recognizes common law marriage and divorce for same-sex couples. However, there are a few requirements that must be met for the state to recognize their common law marriage. A knowledgeable attorney can help cut through the legal complexities of how to go about getting your union recognized as a legally binding marriage.

What Are the Requirements for a Texas Common Law Marriage?

Consideration for a common law marriage requires both parties to have a signed declaration of marriage or:

  • They must both have agreed to be married
  • Lived together as a married couple in Texas since the agreement took place

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What is Parental Alienation in Texas Custody Cases?

 Posted on September 15, 2023 in Child Custody

TX family lawyerChild custody cases can be emotionally challenging for parents, especially when parental alienation is a factor in the situation. Parental alienation occurs when a parent engages in behaviors that manipulate or distort the child’s perception of the other parent, ultimately damaging their relationship. If you are going through difficult child custody proceedings and believe parental alienation is something your spouse is engaging in, let your lawyer know immediately so appropriate actions can be taken to ensure the conduct can be stopped.

What Does Parental Alienation Entail?

Frequently, parental alienation involves behaviors that may include making derogatory remarks about the other parent, interfering with visitation or communication, or actively encouraging the child to reject or fear the other parent without valid reasons. 

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Decoding Spousal Support: Types, Concerns, and Factors to Know and Understand

 Posted on August 16, 2023 in Divorce

TX divorce lawyersWhen divorce happens, there are several moving parts that many people are not aware of. A key component of some divorce proceedings is alimony or spousal support. Spousal support ensures financial stability for the lower-earning or non-earning spouse. The amount and length of the spousal support varies based on several factors. Anyone going through a divorce should understand the basics of spousal support.

What Are Two of the Most Common Types of Alimony?

Since divorce is unique and specific to every case or situation, the same goes for spousal support. Each type caters to specific financial needs and circumstances.

Temporary spousal support is alimony paid throughout the divorce proceedings to the spouse who earns less. This alimony allows the less-earning spouse to live comfortably and within the same lifestyle, they had while married.

Rehabilitative spousal support assists the recipient spouse in attaining financial independence through education, training, or other methods.

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How Allegations of Asset Dissipation Can Lead to a Contested Divorce

 Posted on July 20, 2023 in Property Division

TX divorce lawyerIn the sphere of divorce proceedings, disputes over financial assets often contribute to the complexity of the process. One crucial aspect that can lead to significant contention is one spouse's allegation of asset dissipation against the other. Today, we will explore how much allegations can impact the outcome of a divorce case and potentially escalate the proceedings into a contested divorce.

Definition of Asset Dissipation

Asset dissipation refers to the intentional depletion or wasteful spending of marital assets by one spouse intending to diminish the overall value of the marital estate. This can involve various activities, such as hiding assets, lavish expenditures, extravagant gifts to third parties, and transferring assets to family or friends to keep them out of the divorcing spouse’s reach. Such actions are not only unethical but can also have legal consequences during divorce proceedings.

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Everything You Need to Know About Commingled Property in Texas 

 Posted on June 19, 2023 in Divorce

Palo Pinto Family Law AttorneyCommingled property is a complicated concept that can be difficult to understand, especially regarding real estate. In Texas, commingled property is a type of marital property subject to division in divorce proceedings. If you are getting divorced in Texas, it is essential to understand what commingled property is and how it affects your divorce case. Remember, it is best to hire an attorney at the outset of divorce proceedings to ensure you are well-informed of your legal options at this time.

Commingled Property 101

Commingled property is money or other assets combined with marital property, such as joint bank accounts or the family home. For example, if one spouse inherits money during the marriage and deposits it into a joint bank account, the money becomes commingled property. Commingled property can also arise when one spouse uses separate property funds to improve or repair the marital home.

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What Does Community Property Mean in Texas and Why Does it Matter? 

 Posted on May 19, 2023 in Divorce

Palo Pinto Divorce LawyerCommunity property is a legal concept that exists in a number of states throughout the United States, including Texas. In the context of a Texas divorce, community property refers to all property and assets that were acquired by a married couple during the course of their marriage, with a couple of exceptions. Community property can include income, real estate, investments, and other assets. Today, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about community property. Remember to hire an experienced divorce attorney to ensure you fully understand community property in Texas and what it entails. 

What Does Texas Law Say About Community Property? 

Under Texas law, both spouses own community property equally, regardless of who earned the income or whose name is on the title. This means that in a divorce, community property is generally divided equally between the spouses unless there is a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that specifies a different arrangement.

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Understanding What Causes Divorce Mediation to Go Wrong and What to Do if It Does 

 Posted on April 04, 2023 in Divorce

Parker County Divorce LawyerDivorce mediation is a very popular alternative to traditional litigation, as it can save exorbitant amounts of money and emotional stress. However, mediation is only sometimes successful. Understanding the common causes of failure is essential to increase your chances of a positive outcome. Today, we will discuss the common causes of why mediation can go wrong and what can be done to salvage the situation if things do not go according to plan. Remember, a family law attorney can be instrumental in helping to ensure the mediation process is as smooth as possible.

What Causes Mediation to Go Wrong, and What Are Some Solutions? 

One of the critical reasons divorce mediation can fail is the need for preparation by one or both parties. To achieve a successful mediation, both spouses should come prepared with a clear understanding of their financial situation, assets, debts, and other relevant information. Failure to adequately prepare can lead to delays, disagreements, and, ultimately, a breakdown in the mediation process. To help ensure this does not happen, before starting mediation, ensure that you gather all necessary documentation and work with your attorney to develop a comprehensive understanding of the issues to be discussed.

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How Do Paternity Tests Work in Texas? 

 Posted on March 02, 2023 in Family Law

Palo Pinto Parentage LawyerPaternity refers to the legal father-child relationship. Life is complicated, and many people find themselves in situations in which the paternity of a child is uncertain or contested by a parent. Determining paternity and legally establishing the father-child relationship is crucial for many different reasons.

Confirming paternity provides an opportunity for a father to be involved in his child's life. Furthermore, establishing paternity is often the first step in securing child support - a crucial form of financial support for single parents. Paternity testing is frequently used to confirm whether a man is indeed a child's biological father.

When is Paternity Testing Necessary?

Paternity testing is needed when the father of a child (or potential father) is not named on the birth certificate or when there is doubt or uncertainty as to who the biological father of a child may be. Paternity testing can also help resolve disputes between unmarried parents and provide legal proof that an alleged father is, in fact, the biological parent. Paternity testing may also be used to confirm that an alleged father is not the child's biological parent.

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